- Biomolecules (DNA, RNA, Peptides, etc.)
- Bioorganic Chemistry
- Biopharmaceuticals & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Biotechnology (Chemistry)
- Business & Management in Chemistry
- Catalysis
- Cellulose/Paper/Textile Chemistry
- Chemical Analysis / Sample Preparation
- Chemical and Environmental Health and Safety
- Chemical Informatics
- Chemical Kinetics
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Chemistry Special Topics
- Chemometrics & Data Handling
- Chromatography / Separation Techniques
- Computational Chemistry & Molecular Modeling
- Coordination Chemistry
- Crystallography
- Drug Discovery & Development
- Drug Formulation & Delivery
- Drug QA/Analysis
- Electrochemistry
- Environmental Analysis
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Toxicology
- Enzymes & Receptors
- Explosives and Propellants
- Flavor, Perfume & Cosmetic Science
- Forensics
- General & Introductory Chemistry