Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies fills a huge gap in the world of statistical analysis, as well as in the R community. Most guides to R, whether in books or online, focus on R functions and procedures. Written by enthusiastic R users who (understandably) want to discuss and describe R capabilities, they tend to give limited attention to the foundational statistical concepts that R addresses.
Analogous to the structure of the four editions of “Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies,” in each chapter, the author teaches statistical concepts and then shows exactly how to implement them in R. The objective is to solidify the reader’s knowledge in both statistics and in R. This book will sit in the market space squarely between “R For Dummies” and “Statistical Analysis For Dummies.”
This is the right time to publish this book because more people are becoming aware of R every day. It’s a free tool, and it is the basis of a huge amount of work in data science. It’s taking the place of costly statistical software packages that sometimes take an inordinate amount of time to learn. Major institutions are adopting R as a standard. One reason is that R enables a user to carry out complex statistical analyses by just entering a few commands, thus making sophisticated analyses available to a wide audience. Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies enables readers to perform these analyses and to fully understand them and their implications and results.