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Cover image for product 0136798128
ISBN: 978-0-13-679812-5
303 pages
April 1999, Jossey-Bass
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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • Author Information
This practical resource gives elementary and secondary school administrators a comprehensive, ready-to-use staff development activities program that integrates in-service training, supervision, and evaluation. The program encourages professional growth through self-assessment and includes over 120 reproducible forms, charts, models and other aids that can be used "as is" in developmental activities.

For easy use, all materials are organized into nine sections and printed in a big 8-1/4" x 11" spiral-bound format that folds flat for photocopying of any form or chart as many times as needed. Here's a brief overview of the topics and activities you'll find in each section.

Professional growth in schools: Looking at the big picture-- Section 1 describes the functional relationship among in-service training, supervision, and evaluation and shows how an integrated approach provides the follow-up experiences teachers need to learn and grow. The section focuses on need assessment and includes the activity Helping Hands, which examines various ways of acquiring new knowledge.

In service training: What is it and what it can be-- Section 2 presents in-service training as one of the three important links in overall development through activities such as Sharing your strengths&Culture; ...Culture and climate inventory... and Values and student behavior: a needs assessment.

Extending current concepts of in-service training-- In Section 3, you'll find an introduction to in-service activities for new teachers plus five reproducible It's your Call case studies in which teachers play a role and choose from multiple responses. Other reproducibles include Portfolios....Teacher journals...and Professional growth relationships.

Supervision: Past and Present-- Section 4 focuses on supervision as a teacher responsibility, rather that a duty exclusive to administrators and includes Standards of teacher performance, a reproducible that identifies 75 essential and extended standards in the areas of instruction, student relationships, and all-school responsibilities. These provide targets for teachers as well as evaluate measures for administrators.

The what how of supervision-- Section 5 is packed with intriguing activities that emphasize important aspects of effective supervision, such as Mirrors...Red Pencils...Self-Analysis...Student Feedback...Collegial observation...and others.

The process of effective supervision-- Section 6 explores other, less traditional ways teachers can receive "mirrors" of their performance in order to evaluate their own effectiveness, such as A quick in-service: questioning techniques and A video Experience: A Mirror of classroom performance.

Teacher evaluation: Past and present-- Section 7 links evaluation to supervision and in-service training through activities and reproducibles like Teacher-directed evaluation...Feedback...and Role playing episode.

The Processes of effective evaluation-- Section 8 focuses on the integration of supervision with evaluation and includes reproducible aids such as Annual Review...
Interviewing for Tenure...Fundamental Skills...and Dismissal checklist.

Assuring the linkages among in-service training, supervision, and evaluation-- The last section of this resource reviews the three-pronged approach to professional development and examines Who does what and when.

Plus you'll find a reproducible 4-page Observational Booklet at the end of Unit. This is designed to help teachers gather information about their classroom performance and to promote teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation.

In short, Administrator's Staff Development Activities Kit gives you the basis for implementing an ongoing staff-development program that is embraced by teachers and administrators alike as a self-renewing process of professional growth activities.

Wiley Global Education
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