Chapter 1. Chemical Calculations.
1.1. Introduction.
1.2. The Program.
Chapter 2. Molecular Mechanics.
2.1. Introduction.
2.2. Applications and Parametrization.
2.3. The MMP2 Program: Input and Output Examples.
Chapter 3. Molecular Orbital Theory.
3.1. Introduction.
3.2. How the Programs Work.
3.3. Geometries: The Z-Matrix.
3.4. Geometry Optimization.
3.5. Potential Surfaces.
3.6. Qualitative Molecular Orbital Theory.
3.7. Literature.
Chapter 4. Semiempirical Methods.
4.1. Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Theory.
4.2. MINDO/3.
4.3. MNDO.
4.4. MOPAC Input and Output.
4.5. MINDO/3 and MNDO Subject Index.
Chapter 5. Ab Initio Methods.
5.1. Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Theory.
5.2. The GAUSSIAN Programs.
5.3. GAUSSIAN82 Input and Output Examples.
5.4. Electron Correlation.
A. MOPAC Z-Matrices for Chapter 3.
B. Other Useful Programs.
C. Bond Length Tables.