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Cover image for product 1118677463
ISBN: 978-1-118-67746-9
500 pages
April 2016, Wiley-Blackwell
This is an out of stock title.
  • Table of Contents

Part 1     General Principles of the Nervous System

Chapter 1     Introduction to the Nervous System
Cells of the nervous system
Central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
Questions to ponder

Chapter 2     Development of the Nervous System
Clinical case
Early development
Early development of the spinal cord and brain
Development of the spinal cord
Development of the brain
Add scanning electron micrographs (SEM’s) of brain development if available from Wiley embryology books
Add light micrographs of pig brain development
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 3     Histophysiology of the Nervous System
Clinical case
Add light micrographs of neurons, nerve fibers 
Add electron micrographs of neurons and synapses if available from Wiley textbooks
Generation and conduction of nerve impulses
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 4     Neurotransmitter Substances
Clinical case
Classification of neurotransmitter substances
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 5     Spinal cord
Clinical case
Morphology of the spinal cord
Internal morphology of the spinal cord
Add Light micrographs of cross sections of the spinal cord at cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral levels
Vascular supply of the spinal cord
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 6     Gross Anatomy of the Brain
Clinical case
Add photographs of the brain borrowed from Woolsey, Hanaway, and Gado Wiley text) 2nd edition: Pp.: 20, 24, 36, 43, 44, 46, 47, and 62, if permission is granted
Add MRI’s from Gartner: the Text-Atlas of the Brain (Jen House Publishing)
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

The new chapter on Brainstem to be inserted here so it will be the new Chapter 7 but for the purposes of this revision proposal we are continuing with the old chapter designations

(NEW) Chapter 7     Brainstem
Clinical case
Midbrain (nuclei and fiber tracts) with drawings
Pons (nuclei and fiber tracts) with drawings
Medulla (nuclei and fiber tracts) with drawings
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 7     Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Clinical case
Cranial Meninges
Add photograph of the internal base of the skull (from Gartner: Text Atlas of  the Skull, Jen House Publishing)
Spinal meninges
Venous sinuses of the cranial dura mater
Cerebrospinal fluid
Ventricles of the brain
Add light micrograph of choroid plexus
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 8     Vascular supply of the Central Nervous System
Clinical case
Vascular supply of the spinal cord
Arterial supply of the brain
Venous drainage of the brain
Add photographs from Woolsey et al: Pp. 38 and 49, if permission is granted
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 9     Autonomic Nervous System
Clinical case
Sympathetic nervous system
Add light micrograph of a sympathetic ganglion
Add light micrograph of the suprarenal medulla
Parasympathetic nervous system
Enteric nervous system
Add light micrograph of Meissner’s and Auerbach’s plexuses
Neurotransmitter and receptors of the autonomic nervous system
Pelvic autonomic functions
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Part 2     Integrative Components of the Nervous System

The new chapter on Reflexes to be inserted here so it will be the new Chapter 10 but for the purposes of this revision proposal we are continuing with the old chapter designations

(NEW) Chapter 10     Reflexes
Lower motor neurons (with figure drawing)
Basic plan / components of a reflex arc (with figure drawing)
Muscle stretch reflex (with figure drawing)
Reciprocal inhibition (with figure drawing)
Autogenic inhibition   (with figure drawing)
Withdrawal reflex (with figure drawing)
Crossed extension reflex (with figure drawing)
Maintenance of muscle tone via the gamma loop (with figure drawing)
Alpha-gamma coactivation (with figure drawing)

Chapter 10     Ascending Sensory Pathways
Clinical case
Sensory receptors
Add light micrographs of Pacinian and Meissner’s corpuscles
Add light micrographs of the dorsal root ganglion
Add light and electron micrographs of muscle spindles if available from Wiley books
Omit the stretch reflex from this chapter and include it in the new chapter on Reflexes
Anterolateral system
Tactile sensation and proprioception
Sensory pathways to the cerebellum
Clinical considerations
Add figure drawing illustrations showing part(s) of body with sensory deficits (shown as shaded areas)
Add figure drawing illustrating ascending and descending fibers of first order neurons relaying nociception and their synapses with second order neurons
Add figure showing where lesion may be made to relieve intractable pain
Modulation of nociception
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 11     Motor Cortex and Descending Motor Pathways
Clinical case
Cortical areas controlling motor activity
Descending motor pathways
Clinical considerations
Add drawings showing part(s) of body with motor deficits
Add drawing illustrating extensor plantar response (Babinski’s sign)
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 12     Basal Ganglia
Clinical case
Components of the basal ganglia
Add drawings of coronal, horizontal and sagittal sections of the cerebrum showing the basal nuclei
Add some of the Woolsey photographs of the brain, if permission is granted
Nuclei associated with the basal ganglia
Input, intrinsic, and output nuclei of the basal ganglia
Connections of the basal ganglia
Circuits connecting the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebral cortex
Other circuits of the basal ganglia
Neurotransmitters of the basal ganglia
“Direct” and “indirect” loops (pathways) of the basal ganglia
Circuits that modulate activity of the basal ganglia
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 13     Cerebellum
Clinical case
Morphology of the cerebellum
Add photographs borrowed from Woolsey (Pp. 20, 24, 36, 46, 47), if permission is granted
Add light micrographs of the cerebellum including Purkinje, Golgi, and granule cells
Cerebellar peduncles
Deep cerebellar nuclei
Afferents (input) to the cerebellum
Efferents (output) from the cerebellum
Functional organization of the cerebellum: intrinsic circuitry
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 14     Reticular Formation
Clinical case
Morphology of the reticular formation
Zones of the reticular formation
Nuclei associated with the reticular formation
Input to and output from the reticular formation
Functions of the reticular formation
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 15     Cranial Nerves
Add new drawings of the central connections and pathways of the following:
Clinical case
Olfactory nerve (CN I)
Olfactory nerve pathway
Optic nerve (CN II)
Optic nerve pathway
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Oculomotor nerve pathway
Trochlear nerve (CN IV)
Trochlear nerve pathway
Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Trigeminal nerve pathways (3 illustrations: ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular divisions)
Abducent nerve (CN VI)
Abducent nerve pathway
Facial nerve (CN VII)
Facial nerve pathway and an illustration showing Bell’s palsy on face
Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
Vestibulocochlear nerve pathway
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
Vagus nerve (CN X)
Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 16     Visual System
Clinical case
Light micrograph of the retina
Electron micrograph of rods and cones if available from Wiley textbooks
Photograph of retinal blood vessel (Gartner’s file)
Central visual pathways
Visual reflexes
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 17     Auditory System
Clinical case
Light micrograph of cochlea
Light micrographs of the organ of Corti (2 or 3)
Auditory transmission
Central auditory pathways
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 18     Vestibular System
Clinical case
Vestibular apparatus
Light micrograph of the semicircular canals
Light micrograph of the crista ampullaris
Vestibular nerve (CN VIII)
Central pathways of the vestibular system
Control of ocular movements
Vestibular nystagmus
Caloric nystagmus
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 19     Olfactory System
Clinical case
Olfactory receptor cells
Light micrograph of the olfactory epithelium
Electron micrograph of olfactory knob if available from Wiley textbooks
Olfactory transduction
Olfactory nerve (CN I)
Central connections of the olfactory system
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 20     Limbic System
Clinical case
Limbic lobe
Brainstem centers associated with limbic system function
Pathways of the limbic system
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 21     Hypothalamus
Clinical case
Hypothalamic zones and component nuclei
Hypothalamic regions (areas) and component nuclei
Connections of the hypothalamus
Pathways of the hypothalamus
Functions of the hypothalamus
Hypothalamohypophyseal connections
Light micrograph of the median eminence
Light micrograph of the neurohypophysis
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 22     Thalamus
Clinical case
Internal and external medullary laminae
Thalamic nuclei
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Chapter 23     Cerebral Cortex
Clinical case
Cells of the cerebral cortex
Types of cortex
Cell layers of the neocortex
Light micrographs of the cerebral cortex (3 to 5)
Vertical columnar organization of the cerebral cortex
Afferents (input) to the cerebral cortex
Efferents (output) from the cerebral cortex
Internal capsule and corona radiata
Lobes of the cerebral cortex
Functional areas of the cerebral cortex
Cerebral  dominance
Clinical considerations
Synonyms and eponyms
Follow-up to clinical case
Questions to ponder

Questions to ponder: answers to odd questions



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