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Cover image for product 1444334891
ISBN: 978-1-4443-3489-0
3444 pages
January 2013, ©2012, Wiley-Blackwell
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 “This is a sound and serious excavation of the huge and varied literature on migration.  An invaluable tool for scholars and serious readers.” ‒ Frances Fox Piven, City University of New York

“Africa’s diasporic complexities, the role of ports and shipping routes in shaping migration, the migration of scholars in medieval times-- these are just some of the subjects that point to the unusually interesting and original scholarship covered by this five volume encyclopedia of migrations.” ‒ Saskia Sassen, Columbia University

“A vital tool for scholars, advocates, and activists committed to global struggles for justice for peoples in movement, including unprecedented depth regarding especially marginalized sectors such as indigenous peoples. It makes a unique contribution to ongoing organizing efforts to secure full recognition throughout the world for a universal right of human mobility, the right to migrate, and not to be forced to migrate or to be displaced, as integral aspects of the overall struggle for global justice and against the criminalization of migrants.” ‒ Camilo Pérez-Bustillo, Autonomous University of Mexico City

The journey of human populations - across towns, borders, and continents - has been a definitive and enduring feature of humanity. The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration provides a complete exploration of the prominent themes, events, and theoretical underpinnings of the movements of human populations from prehistory to the present day. The first scholarly reference work on the subject, the Encyclopedia considers migration on an international, regional, national, ethnic, and sub-national basis. It includes thematic interpretations and theories of migration, as well as the significant contemporary scientific discoveries and scholarly interpretations that have reshaped the way historians and social scientists analyze and map the past.

Under the general editorship of Immanuel Ness, the Encyclopedia brings together an editorial board and contributors, which span not only the globe but also the fields of history, sociology, anthropology, political economy, geography, linguistics, genetics, and more. The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration offers important insights into our understanding of the migratory patterns of human populations that continue to shape the modern world, and is essential for scholars and students across the humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences.

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