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Cover image for product 1119324742
Corrosion and Corrosion Control, 5th Edition
ISBN: 978-1-119-32474-4
480 pages
July 2019, ©2018
Title in editorial stage
  • Description

To reflect the advances since the 4th edition, the 5th edition is a unique up-to-date resource reflecting current knowledge of corrosion science and engineering. The new edition includes discussions of new materials such as: nanocrystalline materials, composites and plastics.  It explains how these new materials have driven new applications in new harsh environments, where some of the other older materials had not been considered in the past.

In general the 5th edition book provides updated explanation of the essential aspects of corrosion science and engineering that underpin the tools and technologies used for managing and controlling corrosion. It uses a quantitative approach (including basic equations--explained and derived--and illustrative problems) to discuss the basic thermodynamic and electrochemical principles that cause corrosion. It addresses practical corrosion control measures, such as using plastics instead of metals.

The 5th edition also provides double the number of exercises, problems and worked examples to help increase the pedagogical value of the text.

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