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Cover image for product 1118169484
Computational Methods for Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis
ISBN: 978-1-118-16948-3
400 pages
August 2016, ©2012
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  • Description
The main objective of this book is to foster future collaborations between researchers in algorithms, bioinformatics and molecular biology by presenting an up-to-date survey of the most important recent developments as well as various mathematical and computational challenges in various application areas of next-generation sequencing technologies. The book features chapters representing current work in leading labs actively contributing to this fast-growing field. It provides deep insights and fresh enthusiasm by renowned experts, which can hopefully inspire young researchers to address the computational challenges posed by NGS technologies. Topics covered include, NGS error correction, road mapping, variant detection and genotyping, characterization of structural variants with NGS, haplotype assembly from NGS reads, de novo transcriptome assembly, genome-assisted transcriptome reconstruction, transcriptome quantifications, small RNA analysis, de novo genome assembly from NGS reads, scaffolding and gap closure using paired NGS reads, viral quasispecies assembly, ChIP-Seq data analysis, and whole-genome NGS-based association studies.
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